puppet for clash royale

clash royale goblin puppet

goblin puppet for clash royale

clash royal goblin
The Clash Royal Goblin Puppet is for the incredibly successful mobile game as the interim the new community manager content. Adapting the exisiting design featured in the massively popular game by Supercell, this puppet is featured in a range of new online conent announcing the new game mechanics and interacting with games fans as the stand in community manager. built with Dani Duffy, we made the puppet and all costumes and props. I puppeteered and voiced the puppet in the adverts which were directed by Talk to the Hand Puppets and my assistant was Emily Booth.
About Me:
Chris Barlow Puppets and Creatures is a Ltd Company. I design, illustrate, sculpt and fabricate creating engaging characters for TV, film, theme parks, resorts and theatre. I have a performance background as both an actor and puppeteer. So when I develop characters and build puppets I always approach the project from the point of view of the performer. Due to this I strive to build characters that are engaging and believable, whilst making them a joy to perform. Allowing the puppeteer to get the maximum and most versatile performance out of them.
I have worked in puppets and creature FX for a number of years; spanning TV, Film, theatre and online mediums. Please do take a look through my galleries: puppets, Illustration, sculpture, Design or you can look over my experience to see some of the clients and projects I have worked on over the years. if your interested in any of my work please don’t hesitate to contact me.