This is a life size scale model of Mimum from pokemon. I made him just for fun. Minums sizing/dimensions match exactly what they are in the cartoons and according the the pokemon fandom. so i started with the simple cartoon form then keeping the dimensions I worked to make him look more creature- esque without changing any sizing. it was a fun little project and i may well make more and some puppet versions of them
About Me:
I am a professional puppet maker and creature creator. I design, illustrate, sculpt and fabricate. With a past background in performance as both an actor and puppeteer. I develop characters and build puppets, I always approach the project from the point of view of the performer. I strive to build characters that are engaging and believable, whilst making them a joy to perform; allowing the puppeteer to get the maximum, most versatile performance out of them. I have worked in puppets and creature FX for a number of years; spanning TV, Film, theatre and online mediums. Please do take a look through my galleries: puppets, Illustration, sculpture, Design or you can look over my experience to see some of the clients and projects I have worked on over the years. if your interested in any of my work please don’t hesitate to contact me.

pokjemon minum replica

pokemon minum replica pokemon and pokemon go

pokemon replica of a minum electirc type